Speaking Topic:

Psychological Safety:
Setting the Foundation for a Speak Up Culture

Psychological Safety: Best Practices in Creating Environments Where People Feel Belonging, Safety and Can Speak Up


Amy Edmondson defines psychological safety as “A shared understanding by members of a team, that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking”. Why is psychological safety so important for workplaces today?

Presentation Overview

A culture of psychological safety is one where we:

  • Deliberately create an inclusive environment where it is safe to belong

  • Make it safe to contribute by encouraging input for challenging topics

  • Enable an environment of curiosity and innovation, where it is safe to learn and fail

  • Work to create a safe speak-up environment, welcoming dissent and different views

A culture of high psychological safety, with accountability, is the foundation for better leadership and engagement. Enterprise improvements in productivity, inclusion and innovation are a natural follow-on from creating and maintaining a safe workplace culture.

Psychological safety starts with a growth mindset, supported by workplace leaders and modelled by enterprise leadership. It’s important to remember that our teams are not starting from neutral, they have been shaped by other workplaces, other leaders and their own upbringing and experiences. Psychological safety needs to be modelled and developed every day – because it shows up in our systems, processes, symbols and behaviours.

If psychological safety is the very DNA of an enterprise, what are the best practices in creating environments where people feel a sense of belonging, feel safe to contribute ideas, learn and fail, and can speak up? How can we develop the leaders of the future to create psychologically safe workplaces?

Amy Edmondson Harvard University, Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams, 1999

Speaking Engagement Presentations

Psychological Safety: Setting the Foundation for a Speak
Up Culture

28 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia

World Mining Congress
Co-Presentation with Naomi Armitage

AusIMM Mine Safe International Conference

2022, Perth, Australia

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Bobbie Foot is passionate about developing leadership that is grounded in psychological safety to improve the wellbeing of individuals, communities, societies and organisations and to prevent harm.

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